Featherbrain is a card-based party game smattered
with peculiar word games and absurd challenges

$25 • BUY NOW


The player whose hair is the most feathered reads the first card.

All other players compete to have the first correct answer or to be the best at whatever the card demands.

The card reader is the judge and determines the winner of the card (if a winner cannot be determined draw a new card).

The winner of the card gets a point and reads the next card.

Play as long as you want with all of your friends. The winner is the player with the most cards in the end!

Flock It: In large groups, players may play in teams. Some cards may only require one chosen team representative to perform. The card reader may not award a card to a member of his or her own team. The player who wins the card is the next card reader and all cards won by team members are pooled together for a team total.

WING IT: alternative play

Ugly Duckling: Instead of awarding a card to the first player with the correct answer, reward it to a player whose incorrect answer is so perfectly odd it deserves recognition.

Freebird: Draw a card and instead of reading it, make up your own custom challenge! (The first player to finish his or her drink, the player who did the most embarrassing thing today, the first player to fart, the player who can grab the card out of my hand first, the possibilities are endless!) Reward the winning player with the card that you didn’t read.

Albatross: When no player can answer a card correctly, or if a winner cannot be determined, the card reader sets the failed card aside and draws a new card to read aloud to the group. The next player to win a card is rewarded with both the winning card and any failed cards.

Virtual party is best played with 3-6 players.
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